Photography and filming consent form - Barts Charity

Photo and Video Consent Form

Photo and Video Consent Form

Barts Charity produces a range of communications to raise awareness of the work we do and the community we support. We like to share the experiences of real people in East London, and we often undertake filming, photography or recorded interviews, including at our events. These may be used in publications like our charity magazines, leaflets and printed materials, our supporter newsletters, website, press releases and on social media.

This form asks you to sign your consent to be photographed or filmed for Barts Charity and/or interviewed and subsequently quoted in copy used by the Charity. When you sign this form, it means that you are happy for your photograph/film/interview to be used by Barts Charity in our publications. If you give consent, it will be valid for five years. If we still want to use the photograph or video after that time, we will need to approach you again to refresh your consent. Once consent has expired and not been renewed, we will destroy both the paper consent form and any electronic versions.

As we work closely with Barts Health NHS Trust, they may also want to use your photograph or video (or that of your child) for similar reasons.


I hereby give consent for the photograph/film/interview of me/my child to be used for:(Required)
I can email if I change my mind. Note: this will not apply to material already published. Barts Charity cannot control already published material or recall them.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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Consent on behalf of a child

Barts Charity is committed to processing information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The personal data collected on this form will be held securely and will only be used for administrative purposes. To find out how we look after and use the information you give us, look at our Privacy Statement.