Our funding committee and advisory panels - Barts Charity

Our funding committee and advisory panels

Barts Charity has a Grants Committee and several advisory panels who provide expert and impartial assessment of grant applications.

Grants Committee

Barts Charity’s Grants Committee considers all applications for Advancing Healthcare Large Grants, Research Project Grants and Targeted Transformational Funding. The Committee is made up of Trustees and expert members.

Meet our grants committee

Scientific Review Panel

This panel reviews grant applications that involve scientific research, including:

  • Research Project Grants.
  • Research Seed Grants.
  • Targeted Transformational Funding.

They provide expert advice and recommendations on the funding of applications to our Grants Committee and Trustees.

Professor Susan Ozanne, Chair

Professor of Developmental Endocrinology, University of Cambridge

Professor Nisreen A Alwan

Professor of Public Health, University of Southampton

Professor Carl May

Professor in Medical Sociology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Professor Pascal Meier

Professor of Molecular Cell Biology, The Institute of Cancer Research

Professor Matthew Pickering

Professor of Rheumatology & Director of the Centre for Inflammatory Disease, Imperial College London

Professor Claire Wells

Professor in Cancer Cell Biology, King's College London

Professor Steve Watson

Professor in Cardiovascular Sciences and Cellular Pharmacology, Birmingham University

Professor Joyce Yeung

Professor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care, University of Warwick

Fellowship Panel

This panel reviews grant applications for Healthcare Professional Clinical Research Training Fellowships and makes funding decisions on behalf of the Grants Committee.

Professor Sarah Purdy OBE, Chair

Emeritus Professor, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol and Vice Chair, North Bristol NHS Trust

Professor Wendy Best

Honorary Professor of Communication Science and Language Therapy, University College London

Dr Emma English

Associate Teaching Professor in Medical and Health Sciences, University of Cambridge

Professor Sue Latter

Professor of Nursing, University of Southampton

Professor Simon Leedham

Wellcome Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Science and Honorary Consultant Gastroenterologist, the Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics, Oxford

Professor Natalie Pattison

Florence Nightingale Foundation Clinical Professor of Nursing, University of Hertfordshire and East & North Herts NHS Trust

Dr Salman Razvi

Clinical Senior Lecturer and Consultant Endocrinologist, Newcastle University

Professor Vass Vassiliou

Clinical Professor of Cardiac Medicine, Norwich Medical School

Everyday Impact Advisory Panel

This panel reviews Everyday Impact grant applications and provides expert advice and recommendations on the funding of these applications.

Peter Attrill

Strategy and Wellbeing Lead, St Bartholomew’s Hospital

Sara Little

Head of Quality and Efficiency, St Bartholomew’s Hospital

Craig Finch

Head of Finance, The Royal London Hospital and Mile End Hospital 

Tanya Usher

Wellbeing Lead, The Royal London Hospital and Mile End Hospital

Claire Davis

Wellbeing Lead, Whipps Cross Hospital

Michael Magbagbeola

Director of People, Newham Hospital

Nancy Whiskin

Head of Volunteering, Barts Health NHS Trust

Healthcare Funding Advisory Panel

This panel reviews Advancing Healthcare Small Grant applications and provides expert advice and recommendations on the funding of these applications.

Ajit Abraham

Group Director of Inclusion and Consultant Surgeon, Barts Health NHS Trust

Kath Evans

Director of Nursing for Babies, Children and Young People, Barts Health NHS Trust and Clinical Lead for Babies, Children and Young People, North East London Integrated Care System

Hortensia Gimeno

Associate Director of Research and Clinical Effectiveness for Therapies, Barts Health NHS Trust

Sarah Jensen

Group Chief Information Officer, Barts Health NHS Trust

Zudin Puthucheary

Clinical Senior Lecturer, William Harvey Institute, Queen Mary University of London and Consultant in Intensive Care, The Royal London Hospital

Liat Sarner

Medical Director, Newham Hospital