Apply for funding - Barts Charity
Agnes, staff member at Barts Health NHS Trust

Apply for funding


We fund high-quality, innovative research that has the potential to benefit the health of East London.

Research Project Grants

£75,000 - £600,000

Our Research Project Grants support innovative, health-related research that could improve the lives of people in East London. The outputs of this research should be internationally significant and could form the basis of substantial ongoing support from other funders.

Research Seed Grants

Up to £75,000

Our Research Seed Grants provide seed funding for health-related research that could improve the lives of people in East London. This grant could support an application to another funding organisation or pump-prime a new academic-clinical collaboration.

Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) Support Grant

up to £7,000

Our Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) Support Grants provide funding for research projects for NIHR Academic Clinical Fellows at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at Queen Mary University of London.


We fund healthcare projects that enable improvements to patient care and experience for the people of East London.

Advancing Healthcare Small Grants

From £5,000 up to £50,000

Our Advancing Healthcare Grants provide funding for NHS staff to pilot new ideas, technologies and ways of working within Barts Health NHS Trust that could advance healthcare delivery and improve the health of our local community.

Advancing Healthcare Large Grants

Over £50,000 and up to £500,000

Our Advancing Healthcare Grants provide funding for NHS staff to pilot new ideas, technologies and ways of working within Barts Health NHS Trust that could advance healthcare delivery and improve the health of our local community.

Everyday Impact

£2,000 to £50,000

Our Everyday Impact funding scheme focuses on ideas where a relatively straightforward and easy-to-implement change could have a big impact on the care, experience and wellbeing of patients in hospitals across Barts Health NHS Trust.

Our fellowships

Barts Health staff talking

Healthcare Professionals Clinical Research Training Fellowships

Robotic surgery

Targeted Transformational Funding

Our Targeted Transformational Funding gives the opportunity for significant growth, transformational change, and extraordinary impact to benefit East London. 

Developing proposals in partnership with Barts Health NHS Trust and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at Queen Mary University of London our Targeted Transformational Funding:

  • Puts East London at the leading edge of patient care.
  • Integrates research and patient care for the benefit of our community.
  • Provides longer-term support.
  • Supports bespoke projects.

This funding programme requires a strong commitment from our partners.

Find out more

Do you need to make a claim from your SPF?

We manage funds donated for a restricted or specific purpose which we may be able to use to help fund your idea. 

Submit a claim